In-Home Consultations.

Let us help you protect what matters most.

Our In-Home Executive Security visits prepare key executives, their family members, and household staff to respond to an emergency situation or hostile event. Our tailored Personal Security Considerations briefing, combined with a room-by-room walkthrough and scenario discussions provides a foundation for a sound and legally-defensible home security plan.

Elements of an In-Home Visit

  • • Full-site walk through and security assessment of the residence.

    Personal Security Considerations for Executives Presentation for family, staff and friends.

    • Identification of Holdfast/Refuge Areas.

    • Development of a Household Emergency Plan.

    • Discussion about key findings and strategies to improve safety.

    • Detailed Report with recommendations.

  • This discussion provides individuals with a candid look at the current security environment in their personal lives and at work. Specific mindfulness techniques, early detection and avoidance strategies, and heuristic decision-making are emphasized. It also includes a conversation about the legal ramifications surrounding the use of force. This discussion is thoughtfully designed not to frighten or upset, but to inform and empower individuals to become stakeholders in their own safety and security.

  • Soon after the visit, our clients are provided with a detailed report of observations and recommendations. The report is followed by a consultation with the client to review the report and discuss priorities and implementation.

We help people stay safe everywhere they go.

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Let our team of Former FBI Agents work with you to assess the safety and security measures most advantageous for your business or home. 

“In an emergency situation, every second counts. Situational awareness, quality preparation, and confidence in your training are critical to determining your outcome.”

– Rob Chadwick

CEO, Holdfast Security Group

Former Agent-In-Charge, Protective Detail
for U.S. Attorney General William P. Barr

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